Human Design

What is Human Design?
We hear everywhere that the best way to succeed in life is to “be ourselves.” As simple as it sounds, that can be difficult for any of us to do it on our own. Human Design provides a scientific and esoteric way of understanding what “being ourselves” actually means.
It is not a belief system. Rather the knowledge that respects our individuality and the fact that we are ever-evolving. Once you know your design, you are testing, exploring and experimenting with it. The knowledge has to be verified by your own experience. It provides a unique map and a navigation system that can help to know and love what you are, so that life becomes more fulfilling and more your own.
Human Design is a system that synthesizes essential elements of Astrology, the I Ching, the Kabbalah and the Hindu-Brahmin Chakra systems as they apply to us today, with current scientific knowledge in the fields of Physics, Astronomy, Genetics and Biochemistry. Using the time of our birth, Human Design is able to define the forces that influence our bodies and personalities, helping us to understand the cycles, characteristics and themes that make us who we are.
The Human Design Chart (Bodygraph) is the map which gives us information about how the body and mind function together, how we experience energy, emotion, awareness, identity, ego, instinct, intuition and the mind. Among many things, it can also reveal:
- How our gifts and innate abilities are organically expressed
- The ways in which we are fixed and consistent, what we can trust in ourselves
- Where we are open to conditioning and coping strategies that lead to confusion, inner conflict, frustration, bitterness, anger and disappointment
- Which characteristics are conscious and rooted in personality and which are unconscious or rooted in the body
- How to make decisions using a personal navigation system
- What role and purpose we are here to express
Most of all, Human Design offers an opportunity to accept and surrender to what is unchangeable and unbroken in us, so that we truly come living in selflove and acceptance, and trust in life as it is.
Human Design is not a set of rules to impose on anyone. It is not a moral code with which to judge or measure anyone. It is not a method of self-improvement to make us more palatable or successful according to societal standards. It is not a means to control life or make it into what our minds think it should be. Human Design helps us to recognize and accept ourselves and each other - the way we are. It can inspire becoming a healthy, unique and self-loving human being. A core Human Design motto is “Love Yourself”. It takes us back to this simple possibility. Scientifically, mechanically, energetically, spiritually. To love and respect ourselves and let life unfold through us. As it is.
Lecture themes:
- Uniqueness of your child
- Money and Career
- Nutrition
- Human Design Readings
About Julia
Julia Krakova is a guide and expert in Human Design System. She arrived to this passion following her unique path of living consciously through body and soul, practicing yoga and creating remedies and natural cosmetics from hand-picked herbs and minerals.
This analytical and creative approach, as well as her lust to the mastery – allows her to create and share multidimensional knowledge with others.
Julia is following her unique path and she will be here to help you to connect with your Higher self through Human Design System.