The alchemy of breathing


To go into our body, to go into our roots and breathe from them and the deepest part of our womb. To honour the power of silence, to take time to feel our body, to breathe, to feel, to moan, to whisper our emotions and our thoughts. And through the movement of our body and breath to move and release physical, mental, emotional blockages and to open ourselves again to the creative sexual energy that dwells in each one of us. Here we will be together to let ourselves be penetrated by the whisper of nature. To breathe deeply until we fill our body with life force, and to rediscover parts of our body that we have not been able to feel until now. To honour our body, to discover its limits and to explore true pleasure, to express everything, to feel everything and to feel safe again in a place of manifestation, purification and creation.

"When we are together, our circle of sisters becomes a space of love and healing, where we can open our hearts and show our true selves, without being criticised, judged or shamed. Within a circle of sisters, we honour with love and respect our word, our prayer, our thoughts and emotions, whatever the deepest expression of our heart and body may be. Within a circle, there is no person more important than another, for we are all our own reflection and within each one is the energy of a medicine woman who holds the secrets and wisdom of Mother Earth".


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10:00 The alchemy of breathing