Effects of flat sound therapy


Flat bell sound therapy.Bells are one of the oldest percussion instruments. In ancient times monks and temple officials as a signaling instrument used flat metal or wooden bells. Flat bells, a specialy tuned instrument, suitable for both professional and personal use. They made from bronze and titanium metals. Tuned to bio-effective frequencies that are extremely beneficial to the human body. Since ancient times, various ailments have been treated with the sound of bells.

Today, this tradition is being revived. After experiencing these vibrations, people feel recharged and calmed down. The unique sound of bells and vibrations relaxes the mind. Also releases tension, energy blocks and begins body regeneration. Activates human energy centers, brain activity, immunity and stress resistance.

What is Bell Sound Therapy?

  • This is an ancient traditional way of purifying and structuring a human body and its fields.
  • It is a natural, deep meditation in overtone sounds.
  • It is a way to immerse yourself in complete relaxation of body and soul; Flat bell sound and vibration massage, it's modern way of getting healthy.

Thanks to the influence of bio-effective frequencies of bells:

  • body regeneration begins
  • muscle tension and energy blocks relax
  • accumulated stress decreases
  • improves metabolism, blood circulation
  • human energy centers (chakras) are activated
  • the body's resistance to diseases increases
  • brain activity is activated

For those who:

  • Experiencing stress, apathy
  • There is a need to rest, "reload"
  • Relationship problems
  • Psycho-emotional stress
  • Blood pressure problems
  • Insomnia, chronic fatigue
  • Muscle aches
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19:30 Flat bell sound therapy