Cacao Ceremony and Circle of Songs

We invite you to expierence together the power of the women circle, with sacred cacao medicine and ritual songs. To open our hearts, to invoke the feminine and wild nature.
Rūta and Aistė colaborated to share the ancient sacred sound tradition and its healing and uniting powers.
Every ceremony is unique and different. Based and systemised in the mystery of life, although totally simple and unexpected. Expect the unexpected and be prepared to be spontanious, to relax and radiate your heart.
We will expierence the elements through sacral sounds, centered in meditation and concious breath, we will be active participants of ceremonial space through movement, dance and prayer. We will relax our body, mind and soul with healing sound vibrations, which we gathered from all four corners of the world.
We use Ceremonial Cacao from the Mayans, specially made for these ceremonies, meditations and prayers. They are made by Mayan Elders Nana Marina Cruz, and their families and communities near the lake Atitlan in Guatemala. Criollo Cacao beans are collected and prepared with prayerfull hands, then offered to fire, which in Mayan cosmovision is a representation of the divine Ahau energy, and only then are handmade into a solid cacao mass.
Aistė Marija Gazdar is is an alchemist and student of the temple arts. Plant based and wild food as medicine specialist. Guide of ceremonies and rituals. Activator of communities, the author of variuos books and international projects, yogini, drummer, carrier of the sacred songs, artist, mother, visionary, student of Maestro Manuel Rufino. Taught by Mayan Elders Tata Pedro Cruz and Nana Marina Cruz, and other tradition keepers, she is sharing the medicine of cacao for 13 years.
Rūta Katiliūtė (Ruti Liūtė) is a creator of Lithuanian “Red Tent” women community. She is an aromatherapist, herbalist, reflexologist and massage therapist. With a positive attitude and enthusiasm, Rūta organises events, leads lectures and workshops, and loves to encourage people to live a joyful and healthy lifestyle. Inspired by nature she continues to explore natural methods of healing. She combines her knowledge and intuition and gives a unique healing sessions
Saturday | |
Red tent tipi | |
17:30 | Cacao Ceremony and Circle of Songs Aistė Marija Gazdar & Rūta Katiliūtė